RED C Live – Online Research

RED C use a variety of different online survey techniques to reach different consumers.


RED C Live is our own online panel has over 40,000 panel members, making it one of the largest panels in Ireland. We run all of our ad hoc and online omnibus through this panel.
RED C are proud to have such a high quality resource in the market place

  1. Unlike most generic panels, our panellist are given fair reward for their time helping to ensure the highest levels of engagement and quality of response across our surveys.
  2. The RED C Live panel is fully owned by RED C.  This ensures that panel members are not over-interviewed, enabling us to provide the highest quality standards to our clients.
  3. RED C uses a number of quota controls outside of age, gender and class, to ensure accuracy – including past vote behaviour, working status, & education.
  4. Panelists are recruited both online and offline,  through advertising, panelist recommendation and through our face to face research, where anyone who take part in our research projects is invited to join the panel in a Thank You card.
  5. RED C Live has proven to hold higher numbers of difficult to reach sample profiles including those aged 65+ and 17-24 year olds vs. leading panel providers.

We use a range of quality controls to ensure that our online approach is representative an accurate including, pre-screening, interlocking quotas, fair reward, logic traps and time delays.

  • Pre-Screening: All respondents are pre-screened and a selection of panelists in chosen at random and invited to take part in the survey based on the information held on them in the panel. The 18 year age minimum will furthermore be ensured through the use of a double question confirming this age (as per the questionnaire draft).
  • Invites: Panellists are recruited a maximum of 4 times per month for surveys for ad hoc projects and once every 3 months for tracker surveys.  Panellists will not complete more than one survey per industry in a 3 month period. Survey invites are unique for each panelist, so they can only take part once in any given survey.
  • Fair Reward: We pay respondents €1 for every 5 minutes of survey completion. This is higher than the market rate – but we believe it enhances the quality of response, as respondents are more likely to give surveys fair thought and consideration.
  • Logic Traps: We have inbuilt logic questions, to test that people are paying attention and answering  accurately during the survey, and failures at these questions are rejected (up to 10% of respondents).
  • Time Delays: All surveys have in-built time delays from the appearance of questions to the presentation of response options. This creates a survey experience where participants are forced to give consideration to questions before answering, thus critically avoiding the ‘happy clicking’ syndrome.

The resulting accuracy of the panel and the controls we use was proven at the last Irish General Election in 2020, where we predicted the election result through our online panel with an average error of just 0.8%

These results back up the quality credentials both of the RED C Live online panel generally, and also of the RED C sampling and quality control team tasked with ensuring we reach a representative sample through that panel.

It has proved that we can, with our expert knowledge of the political landscape in Ireland and our strict quality controls, utilise a more cost effective and flexible online approach for polling moving forward.

Panel engagement is assured by the look and feel of our online surveys, which are utilised to ensure that the research is both engaging, and professional and works on all devices. This professional look is important and therefore is a key consideration in all of our surveys.

Much of our commercial general public tracking has now moved online as the online approach has become more accurate and easier to manage to ensure a representative sample.


We can also use our online survey platform to  conduct research among an audience where leads can be supplied by the client.

For more information or a quote, contact us [email protected]
