RED FUSION: Insight Through Opposition

We have developed RED Fusion as a way to get beneath the surface and force an environment where brand perceptions can be interrogated more deeply.

Traditional approaches are great for helping us understand how consumers react to concepts and ideas.  However, they are often unable to reveal latent or subconscious feelings and passion points: we uncover how people feel about something and how they talk about it, but not how strongly these views are held.

RED Fusion is our solution to this challenge: bringing together conflicting consumer perceptions in order to generate new ways of thinking.


  • To inform brand strategy
  • To re-energise marketing and comms planning
  • To evaluate new propositions


Client Involvement – rather than being a passive observer of research, you can directly participate in the debate with your consumers

Consumer understanding – harnessing the power of conflict and debate we can identify the values and factors that really make a difference

Outward facing – ensures the research doesn’t operate in a vacuum, learning from the competition

Fast-forward – this approach is focused on positive direction

Dynamic – harnessing the power of conflict and debate we can identify the values and factors that really make a difference

To find out more, contact us at [email protected]
