Comment, News, Political Poll

Government support under pressure – SBP poll Dec 2011

In the first Sunday Business Post / RED C poll since the Presidential Election, there is evidence that the government parties are coming under pressure.  Fine Gael remain the largest…

News, Political Poll

What sways the voters? Letter to the Irish Times

Sir, – Headline: Election-skewing nature of media comment should not be ignored. This could so easily have been the title of the piece written by John Waters (“Election-skewing nature of…

Comment, News

Credit crunch tracking October 2011

The latest Credit Crunch Tracking Report from RED C shows that Irish consumers are holding back their spend and worry over the prospects of a deepening recession caused by the…

Comment, News, Political Poll

Innovation & accuracy – in RTE recall poll

RED C Research proved its credentials for research innovation and accuracy again last week, by using a totally new approach to measure voter behaviour at the Presidential Elections. Having decided…

Comment, News, Political Poll

Recall poll shows how Higgins won election

The RED C Recall Poll for RTE showed clearly how voters switched away from Sean Gallagher directly to Michael D Higgins in the final week of the election. The poll…

News, Political Poll

Gallagher leads final Red C poll

Sean Gallagher has cemented his lead in the race for the presidential election, according to the latest Sunday Business Post / RED C poll, with less than a week to…

News, Political Poll

Will Gallagher lose votes? If so, who gains?

There is significant expectation that Sean Gallagher may well lose supporters  following last nights debate, where he was confronted by Martin McGuinness about collecting money for Fianna Fail. The question is will…

Comment, News

Ireland comes out top in global doctor-patient communication survey

The latest Doctor-Patient Global Communication Performance Survey conducted by the WIN (Worldwide Independent Network of Market Research) Network, puts Ireland in the first place in terms of doctor-patient communication effectiveness….

News, Political Poll

Gallagher surges into lead

Sean Gallagher surges into the lead in the race for the Aras, after an astonishing gain in support from the electorate again in this week’s Sunday Business Post/ RED C…

Comment, News

75% of parents support ban on unhealthy food ads

RED C recently conducted a national survey of parents in relation to advertising of unhealthy foods to children. This research was conducted for The Irish Heart Foundation, The National Youth…

News, Political Poll

Higgins still in the lead, but Gallagher makes gains

The latest presidential poll show Michael D. Higgins very much still in the driving seat to become the next President of Ireland.  He takes 25% first preference share, up 7%…

News, Political Poll

Norris leads, but Higgins still in driving seat

This months tracking poll included detailed analysis of the Presidential election.  With the field to be decided two sets of candidate lists were tested, the first included those already nominated,…
