
Red C credit crunch Tracking Oct 2013 – consumer confidence on the rise, increased consumer spend imminent

On the day before the release of the Budget for 2014, the most recent wave of the RED C Credit Crunch Tracker shows that consumer confidence is increasing across the…


RED C – Launch new brand to celebrate 10 years

RED C Research and OI Research complete full merger to mark 10 years of growth. RED C has helped our clients see clearly for the last decade, by transforming information…


COMREG – consumer telecommunications survey

RED C recently conducted a consumer telecommunication survey for ComReg in order to assess incidence of usage and satisfaction with telecommunications provision for home landline, fixed broadband, mobile broadband and…

News, Political Poll

Fianna Fail support falters, rather than collapses

“A week is a long time in politics.” Perhaps a somewhat overused quote, first uttered by British Prime Minister Harold Wilson, but it still very much holds true today. The…


SME Credit Demand Oct 12 – Mar 13

The results from this period’s Credit Demand Survey show that SME credit demand, while remaining low, continues its gradual upward trend. This is helped by a backdrop of continued stabilisation…


Consumer confidence on the rise – June 2013

The latest Credit Crunch Tracking Report from RED C shows that there is now a strong belief that the Irish economy is recovering among consumers. Summer 2013 may be the…

Comment, News, Political Poll

Fianna Fáil support falls back

The standout feature of this poll is the fall-back in Fianna Fáil support following a recent revival that saw them neck-and-neck with Fine Gael on voting intention. Their support now…


Research in action – Dublin airport

In a world where board rooms are demanding more ‘bang for their buck’, marketing and communications teams are constantly pressurised to demonstrate the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns. The likes…

News, Political Poll

Is this the tipping point, as FF and FG support level?

For the first time in almost five years of monthly RED C polling, Fianna Fail support has matched that of Fine Gael. Both parties secure 26% of the first preference…


Research in action – three mobile

Since the dawn of marketing, one of the biggest conundrums for manufacturers and marketers worldwide has been how to design and develop products or services with a combination of features…


Where do the opposition go from here? – APR 2013

Fine Gael retain 28% of the first preference vote in this poll, 8% below the level the party achieved at the last election. In itself the figure is not that…


Research in action – Absolut Vodka

The alcohol market in Ireland has changed significantly since the onset of the recession in 2008. The pub trade has fallen by over 30% with consumers switching to drinking alcohol…
