News, Political Poll

Government parties stabilising vote in medium term trends

Over many years the RED C Sunday Business Post tracking polls have clearly shown the value in analysis voter behaviour over longer periods of time, rather than focusing on change…

News, Political Poll

Understanding Fianna Fail gains – Feb 2013

The main mover in this month’s Sunday Business Post / RED C poll is Fianna Fail increasing support by 5% in one month, after a number of months of gains…

Comment, News

Red C credit crunch tracking January 2013

The latest Credit Crunch Tracking Report from RED C shows that consumer outlook for the Irish economy is at its highest level since the onset of the recession – possibly…

News, Political Poll

SBP Jan 13 – Labour support down, FF and SF make gains

Is a Spiral of Silence effect building against Labour? This month’s poll is dominated by a heavy swing in support away from Labour, while both Sinn Fein and Fianna Fail…


Two-thirds would stay in the EU even if UK leaves

According to the Red C poll commissioned by independent, not-for profit organisation, European Movement Ireland (EM Ireland), 85 per cent of respondents believe Ireland should remain part of the EU,…

News, Political Poll

Majority support govt. position on abortion

Abortion Over a third (35%) of the electorate directly support the governments decision to legalise the X case, allowing abortion where the mother’s life is at risk, including by suicide…

Comment, News

Global barometer of hope & happiness

Ireland remains one of the most pessimistic nations on future prosperity In the latest worldwide poll conducted by RED C and the WIN Gallup International Group of independent market research…

News, Political Poll

Majority look for abortion legislation

This month’s poll has been heavily influenced by the debate on abortion in Ireland, brought about by the death of Savita Halappanavar.  There is little doubt  that the dramatic decline…

Comment, News

Dept of Finance, credit demand survey – Nov 2012

The independent survey on the demand for credit by SME’s in Ireland was published today (28, November 2012) covering the period April to September 2012. This survey was conducted by…

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Significant uplift in proportion of Irish population claiming felt hunger since 2005

A global poll of perceived hunger shows that 12% of the world say there was a time during the last 12 months when they did not have enough to eat….

Comment, News

Red C credit crunch tracking October 2012

The latest Credit Crunch Tracking Report from RED C shows a decrease in consumer confidence – possible caused by the prolonged discussion of the upcoming budget. The study also shows…

Comment, News, Political Poll

Fine Gael gains, while labour support appears vulnerable

On the face of it the results from today’s Sunday Business Post/ RED C poll are not that exciting, with small gains or losses within the margin of error for…
