News, Political Poll

Runners & riders for GE11

SBP Jan 30th 2011 – General Election Poll On Tuesday the Dail will be dissolved and the election campaign can start in earnest.  So what does the wealth of data…

News, Political Poll

Fine Gael make significant gains

Paddy Power Poll – 2nd Feb 2011 – General Election 2011.  Fine Gael see a significant rise in support in today’s poll, taking 37% of the first preference vote, a…

News, Political Poll

The Battle for floating voters

SBP Poll – 6th Feb 2011 – General Election 2011.  Do you wonder why Fine Gael and Labour are tearing chunks out of each other in the campaign so far,…

News, Political Poll

Norris for President?

Paddy Power Poll – Jan 2011 – Senator David Norris favourite for next President of Ireland. Senator David Norris is the outright favourite among candidates put to voters, to become…

News, Political Poll

Fine Gael extend lead

Paddy Power – Jan 2011 – Fine Gael extend their lead ahead of the other parties, as Fianna Fail drop back to just 14%. Fine Gael extend their lead as…

News, Political Poll

Fine Gael largest party

SBP Poll – Dec 2011 – The announcement by the Green Party last month that they were to leave the government after the budget, means an election is imminent.  While…


Credit crunch report

Credit Crunch Tracking – Oct 2010 – The future does not exactly look bright for Ireland and so a degree of caution still exists among consumers.  However they are clearly…
