Explosive growth in smartphone and tablet ownership in Ireland and worldwide

Published by: Richard Colwell


A ground-breaking RED C report, in conjunction with the WIN Research Group,  on mobile and social media trends around the world shows an explosive growth in smartphone and tablet ownership both worldwide and in Ireland. Globally, smartphone ownership has almost doubled in one year from 19% in 2010 to 35% in 2011. In Ireland, we see an increase in smartphone ownership from 35% to 49% from March 2011 to November 2011. In the same period, we see that tablet ownership has doubled from 8% to 16%!

The study also shows that growth in smartphone and tablet ownership will increase further in 2012. By the end of 2012, 71% of the Irish population expect to own a smartphone, while 41% expect to own a tablet.

Currently, smartphone ownership is biased towards the younger age groups but with the increasing penetration in the market, this could very well change in the near future.

The survey also shows that smartphone users in Ireland are positively disposed to advanced mobile features such as mobile payments/wallets.

Download the Media Report here for further findings from the study, in Ireland and across the World:

Connecting the World (MEDIA REPORT) – IT Tel Syndicated Study Winter 2012 (RED C-WIN)


About the Connecting the World – Mobile and Social Media Trends Study

This ground-breaking study was conducted towards the end of 2011 by WIN, the Worldwide Independent Network of Market Research. RED C conducted the Irish part of the survey. 40,557 respondents were interviewed globally, representing more than 1.2 billion of the adult world population. In Ireland, 1,014 adults aged 18 years or older were interviewed. In every country, the most appropriate methodology for the survey was used and quotas were enforced to ensure a nationally representative sample of the total population.

The following topics are covered in the research:

  • Device ownership for smartphone, feature phone, desktop, laptop, tablet, web-enabled TV/gaming console and mp3 player with internet/wi-fi access.
  • Future purchasing intent for these devices.
  • Preferred brands for future purchases of these devices.
  • Time spend online for personal, work and social media reasons.
  • Key online activities.
  • Preferred devices for key online activities.
  • Social media sites used for personal and work reasons.
  • Current and future use of advanced mobile phone features, e.g. mobile payments, mobile tickets, geo based promotions, mobile banking and mobile boarding card.
  • Barriers for use of advanced mobile phone features.
  • Demographic breakdown.


The full report is available for purchase for €5,000 excluding VAT. This report includes detailed demographic analysis for Ireland on all the key topics above.

About the WIN Network and RED C Research

RED C Research & Marketing Ltd, the independent market research agency, are part of the WIN Network, the world’s largest and oldest network of independent market research and polling firms. The WIN Network is made up of 68 of the largest independent market research and polling firms in their respective countries, with a combined revenue of over $600 Million and covering 89% of the world’s market. These companies came together to create a global platform for market research, while delivering the highest quality of expertise, professionalism and client care, at the most competitive price.

For more information, please contact Jimmy Larsen at [email protected] or by telephone +353 1 818 6316.
