Ireland comes out top in global doctor-patient communication survey

Published by: Richard Colwell


The latest Doctor-Patient Global Communication Performance Survey conducted by the WIN (Worldwide Independent Network of Market Research) Network, puts Ireland in the first place in terms of doctor-patient communication effectiveness. Ireland recorded a CAT-score (Communication Assessment Tool) of 66 compared to a global average of only 22. Looking at the other Western countries in the survey, we are well ahead in terms of communication performance with Australia scoring 49, USA 48, Canada 43, Sweden 37 and Germany 36.

Within Ireland, communication effectiveness varies for different demographic groups, with women and those in older age groups giving higher scores. Women give a doctor-patient communication score of 70 compared to a lower score for men of just 61. Those aged 45 years or more have a doctor-patient communication score of 74 compared to 60 for those below 45 years. Regionally there is less difference, with good communication scores across Ireland, although they are slightly lower in Connaught/Ulster at 63, and highest in Munster at 68.

The survey also demonstrates that the communication effectiveness between doctors and patients critically influences patient compliance to taking prescribed medication as the doctor directed.

The majority of Irish patients (78%) on prescribed medicine take this medicine as directed by the doctor “all the time”, while an additional 13% follow doctor instructions “most of the time”. However, there is still a small proportion (9%) who worryingly follow doctor instructions only “some of the time” or “rarely”. Again, Ireland is way ahead of the global average of 57% following doctor instructions “alll the time”. The survey also finds that 47% of those Irish who have visited their GP in the past year are currently on prescribed medicine.

To download the Media Report, please click on the link below:

MEDIA REPORT – Global Patient-Doctor Communication Report 2011

About the Doctor-Patient Global Communication Performance Survey

31,577 patients (have visited GP in the past year) were interviewed across 34 countries, covering almost 2 billion of the world population. In Ireland, 839 patients were interviewed by telephone with nationally representative quotas on gender, age, social class and region.

The following topics were covered in the research:

  • Communication Assessment Tool/ Communication Effectiveness
  • Net Promoter Score/ Likelihood to Recommend Doctor
  • Time elapsed between scheduling and actual appointment
  • Waiting time to see doctor
  • Purpose of Visit/ Main condition
  • Patient Trust/ Reliance on doctor to stay healthy
  • Medication Usage
  • Online Information Sources

The full report is available for purchase including detailed demographic analysis for Ireland.

About the WIN Network and RED C Research

RED C Research & Marketing Ltd, the independent market research agency, are part of the WIN Network, the world’s largest and oldest network of independent market research and polling firms. The WIN Network is made up of 67 of the largest independent market research and polling firms in their respective countries, with a combined revenue of over $600 Million and covering 89% of the world’s market. These companies came together to create a global platform for market research, while delivering the highest quality of expertise, professionalism and client care, at the most competitive price.

For more information, please contact Jimmy Larsen at [email protected]

or by telephone +353 1 818 6316.

