Latest Polls

RED C is the most frequently published and respected political pollster in Ireland. We publish political tracking polls for our key client The Sunday Business Post on a monthly basis, as well as conducting polls for other media sources, betting groups, political parties and candidates.

Political Poll

Seanad referendum may be closer than topline figures suggest

This poll also marks the start of the countdown to the Seanad referendum, with just under three weeks to go to the vote on the 4th October. In the past,…

Political Poll

Fine Gael retains support in Summer recess

This summer recess poll for Paddy Power, taken in the past week with fieldwork from Mon-Weds this week, sees a relatively stable political landscape when compared to a similar poll…

News, Political Poll

Fianna Fail support falters, rather than collapses

“A week is a long time in politics.” Perhaps a somewhat overused quote, first uttered by British Prime Minister Harold Wilson, but it still very much holds true today. The…

Comment, News, Political Poll

Fianna Fáil support falls back

The standout feature of this poll is the fall-back in Fianna Fáil support following a recent revival that saw them neck-and-neck with Fine Gael on voting intention. Their support now…

News, Political Poll

Is this the tipping point, as FF and FG support level?

For the first time in almost five years of monthly RED C polling, Fianna Fail support has matched that of Fine Gael. Both parties secure 26% of the first preference…

News, Political Poll

Government parties stabilising vote in medium term trends

Over many years the RED C Sunday Business Post tracking polls have clearly shown the value in analysis voter behaviour over longer periods of time, rather than focusing on change…

News, Political Poll

Understanding Fianna Fail gains – Feb 2013

The main mover in this month’s Sunday Business Post / RED C poll is Fianna Fail increasing support by 5% in one month, after a number of months of gains…

Comment, Political Poll

Do undecided voters = desire for new party?

A lot has been made about the supposedly high levels of undecided voters in recent polls published in Ireland, with some even suggesting that this points to the desire for…

News, Political Poll

SBP Jan 13 – Labour support down, FF and SF make gains

Is a Spiral of Silence effect building against Labour? This month’s poll is dominated by a heavy swing in support away from Labour, while both Sinn Fein and Fianna Fail…

News, Political Poll

Majority support govt. position on abortion

Abortion Over a third (35%) of the electorate directly support the governments decision to legalise the X case, allowing abortion where the mother’s life is at risk, including by suicide…

News, Political Poll

Majority look for abortion legislation

This month’s poll has been heavily influenced by the debate on abortion in Ireland, brought about by the death of Savita Halappanavar.  There is little doubt  that the dramatic decline…

Comment, News, Political Poll

Fine Gael gains, while labour support appears vulnerable

On the face of it the results from today’s Sunday Business Post/ RED C poll are not that exciting, with small gains or losses within the margin of error for…
