Latest Polls

RED C is the most frequently published and respected political pollster in Ireland. We publish political tracking polls for our key client The Sunday Business Post on a monthly basis, as well as conducting polls for other media sources, betting groups, political parties and candidates.

News, Political Poll

SBP poll results – Sep 2012

Sinn Fein gain, as Budget Issues put Labour under pressure Just three months ago, when the Dail was about to break up for the summer, we were talking about a…

Comment, News, Political Poll

Obama wins world poll by a landslide

A new global poll from WIN GIA pollsters across 32 countries, shows that among those who choose one of the two candidates, 81% would support Obama while 19% support Romney. …

Comment, News, Political Poll

SBP Jun 2012 – Sinn Fein post referendum hangover

The standout results from the latest Sunday Business Post/ RED C tracking poll, published a month after the Fiscal Treaty Referendum, is the apparent hangover for Sinn Fein.  Having spent…

Comment, News, Political Poll

SBP referendum poll 27th May 2012

There is nothing worse for a pollster than an Irish referendum!  How many times have we tracked opinion over the weeks running up the referendum, only to see the Irish…

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Paddy Power referendum poll 18th May

The latest RED C/Paddy Power poll for the Fiscal Stability Treaty sees a relatively stable proportion of voters suggesting they will vote Yes, with the proportion high enough to suggest…

Comment, News, Political Poll

Support for Fiscal Stabilty Treaty grows

Against a backdrop of voters in countries across Europe showing signs of a rebellion against austerity, Ireland in contrast appears determined not to rock the boat, with a surge in…

News, Political Poll

SBP 29th April – Pressure on yes vote in EU Treaty Referendum

The past two weeks has seen the start of serious campaigning on the EU Treaty with a noticeable shift to news about the No camp.  This has involved a series…

News, Political Poll

Latest Paddy Power / Red C poll – March 2012

The latest Paddy Power/ RED C Poll finds that despite the rebellion against the household charge by many voters, support for Fine Gael has risen in this poll, leaving the…

News, Political Poll

39% of those liable will not pay household charge

The latest Paddy Power/ RED C  poll finds  that only 61% of households, that claim they are liable, will pay the household charge, with 39% of those who know they…

News, Political Poll

SBP poll results March 2012 – EU Treaty support 60%

Voting Intention The big change in today’s Sunday Business Post/ RED C poll, taken before the findings of the Mahon Tribunal were announced and conducted just three weeks since the…

News, Political Poll

SBP 4th Mar – EU Treaty yes vote rises to 60%

Confirmation that the imminent EU treaty referendum will take place in Ireland, appears in itself to have helped convince more voters that the Treaty should be passed.  In today’s Sunday…

News, Political Poll

Jan’12 SBP poll – 72% want referendum

Government parties will need to think very carefully how they manage the introduction of a new European Treaty to Ireland, based on the results of today’s Sunday Business Post/ RED…
