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RED C is the most frequently published and respected political pollster in Ireland. We publish political tracking polls for our key client The Sunday Business Post on a monthly basis, as well as conducting polls for other media sources, betting groups, political parties and candidates.

News, Political Poll

Gay Byrne tops Paddy Power presidential poll

Gay Byrne tops latest Paddy Power Presidential poll, taking 28% of the first preference vote.  The candidates put to the people in the poll and their first preference vote is…

News, Political Poll

SBP Tracking Poll – May 2011

Independents suffer, as Fine Gael rides the crest of official visits. There is nothing like a successful visit by a Queen or President to cement your positive public perception, and…

Comment, News, Political Poll

Nuclear energy global poll – Red C & WIN/Gallup International

JAPAN EARTHQUAKE JOLTS GLOBAL VIEWS ON NUCLEAR ENERGY: Net favour globally falls from 25% to a mere 6%. However, supporters continue to outnumber opponents by 49% : 43% Zurich /…

News, Political Poll

SBP Tracking Poll – Apr 2011

The first RED C/Sunday Business Post opinion poll since the election, makes good reading for the governing parties.  Fine Gael increases its support by 3%, leaving the party securing 39% first preference.  Labour retains…

Political Poll

Turnout predictions GE11 – 65%+?

RED C  have conducted an analysis of our likelihood to vote question, on all the polls conducted over the campaign,  in an effort to try and predict actual turnout today. This…

News, Political Poll

Final PP GE11 campaign poll results

The final poll of the GE11 campaign, with polling conducted right up to the 22nd February, sees voters continue to make up their minds leaving just 13% undecided, as we…

News, Political Poll

GE11 – Regional Analysis – update 23rd Feb

Fine Gael leads vote share in all regions. A regional update of the polls, including the latest poll published on the 23rd February, shows a similar picture as those seen…

News, Political Poll

GE11 – Transfer Analysis – 23rd Feb

Fine Gael gaining second preference transfers across the campaign.   Evaluation of claimed second preference vote behaviour, allows us to try and better understand how transfers may pan out on…

News, Political Poll

GE11 – Regional analysis update 20th Feb

Fine Gael gains outside of Dublin. A regional update of the polls, including the latest poll published on the 20th February, suggest that gains for Fine Gael are coming from…

News, Political Poll

SBP GE11 Poll 20th Feb – Full Report

Can Fine Gael win a Majority? Less than week from the election, and there is no question that Fine Gael are the party with the famous “momentum” behind them.  During the campaign…

News, Political Poll

Cork North Central Constituency Poll

Labour dominate Cork North Central, but just miss out on second seat. Labour are the big winner in Cork North Central, with the change of boundaries in the constituency, the…

News, Political Poll

Cork South Central Constituency Poll

Martin doesn’t do enough to save both seats, and Fine Gael take honors. Since his election as leader of Fianna Fail this constituency focus has all been on Micheal Martin,…
