RED C has developed a clear segmentation path based on best practice across markets, and implemented this for a variety of major brands.

Fundamentally, segmentation provides a framework for the business to better understand its customers and consequently to develop products that suit their requirements and to speak to them in a language that resonates.

We use a stage gate process to ensure that segmentation is valuable and used across the business.

Stage 1.  Statistically identify groups of people (segments) who have needs that clearly differentiate them from each other.

Stage 2. Identify how these groups look: demographically, attitudinally

Stage 3. Conduct value based modelling across the segments in order to prioritise the most valuable segments

Stage 4. Deep dive target segments to fully immerse ourselves in their lives, identifying their needs, desires; truly understand who they are and how to talk to them.

Stage 5. Bring each segment and their “core insight” to life across the business.

Stage 6. Devise rule-sets to allow you to append “segment” membership to your database, and golden questions for surveys moving forward.

To find out more about how our approach to segmentation can bring success to your business contact us on [email protected]
