Refugees – A European Problem Few Of Us Want

Published by: Aoife Marron


New research from RED C has found that a majority of those across Europe think the Continent should be doing more to help but on an individual country level, most chose to ignore the problem. 

Ireland’s response

A new study from RED C Research has found that the majority (51%) of Irish adults feel the Irish response to the current refugee crisis is “about right”, however a similar proportion (45%) believe that the European Union should do more to help with the crisis.

The research shows that opinions within Ireland are relatively split in relation to the refugee crisis. While 44% of the population claim they would be willing to house a refugee for a short period while their paperwork is being finalised, the majority (56%) would not be willing to do so. Females over 45 years significantly more unwilling to accommodate a refugee or economic migrant (65%).

Almost half (47%) of Irish respondents feel that economic migrants strengthen our country through hard work and talents. This view is more widely held in Dublin (56%). Yet despite this positivity, 53% believe economic migrants burden our country by taking jobs, housing, health, etc. with those living in rural Ireland more likely to hold this view (60%).


A view from around Europe

The study was part of a wider pan-European survey conducted by WIN/Gallup International. Within this more than one in two (57%) feel that Europe should be doing more in response to the current refugee crisis, with the Italians (83%) and the Greeks (87%) significantly more likely than others to say we should be doing more. The Belgians (41%) and the French (37%) are the most likely to say we should be doing less.

But when it comes to individual country responsibility the picture is very different. A majority (59%) of those polled across 14 countries in Europe think that economic migrants overall burden their country by taking jobs, housing, health etc. Some of those countries which are currently among the primary destinations for migrants are also those who are least likely to argue they ‘strengthen our country through hard work and talent’ – UK (36%), Italy (32%), Germany (35%), France (35%).

When also asked hypothetically if they had a spare room at home whether they would be willing to house a refugee for a short period while their paperwork is being finalised, one in three (35%) said they would but two in three (65%) would refuse a room. The Bulgarians (14%), British (20%) and Dutch (27%) are the most likely to refuse temporary shelter. Temporary shelter is most likely to be found in Spain (62%), Greece (48%) and Germany (48%).

Sample Size and Mode of Field Work:

RED C interviewed a nationally representative sample of 1010 adults across the Republic of Ireland online between November 5th – November 10th 2015. This survey is part of a wider survey conducted among a representative sample of 13,857 adults across 14 countries throughout Europe.

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WIN/Gallup International is the leading association in market research and polling and is made up of the 77 largest independent market research and polling firms in their respective countries with combined revenue of over €550 million and covering 95% of the world’s market.

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For more information:

Aoife Marron

Research Project Manager

RED C Research & Marketing Ltd.

[email protected]

+353 181 86316

