WIN World Survey – Gender Equality March 2023

Published by: Sinead Mooney


Gender gap still remains, with women especially time-crunched

  1. 58% of women think they have less career opportunities than men.
  2. Over 1 in 3 claim women earn less than men in their workplace.
  3. Women have less free time than men, with over 1 in 4 having less than 2 free hours in a day.
  4. Women place lesser importance on their health than men.
  5. Violence remains an issue, especially amongst 18-34 year olds.


WIN International, the world’s leading association in market research and polling has published the Annual WIN World Survey – WWS 2022 – exploring the views and beliefs of 28,702 respondents in 39 countries across the globe. On International Women’s Day, WIN releases the latest results of the survey about gender equality, violence and sexual harassment, to understand what are, if any, the improvements around the world in terms of equal opportunities and rights.


Perception of career opportunity available for women v/s men

  1. Just under half (48%) believe women have lesser opportunities available in Ireland.
  2. The perception is evidently stronger among women (+10%) while fewer men (38%) think of women having a disadvantage.
  3. Globally, nearly half of females (-6% v/s Irish women) think they get less opportunity the men.


Perception of women’s salary v/s men

  1. Approximately 1 in 3 state that females get lesser pay than male co-workers. This sense is even stronger among Irish women (+5%)
  2. Even when compared to opinion of women globally, Irish females state that gender discrepancy in pay is greater.


Efforts to embrace and promote CSR

  1. Slight increase in incidence of violence (+1%) in Ireland especially affecting the younger cohort.
  2. The occurrence is the same among 18-34 year old women (17%) but have increased among the young males to 15% (+4%).
  3. Ireland is still safer for women in terms of violence incidence compared to the global average (-7%).


Free time in a day

  1. Most adults in Ireland (47%) get 2-5 hours to themselves in a day with 23% getting less than 2 hours per day.
  2. Women aged 35–54-year-olds get the least free time with 41% of this group getting less than 2 hours free time.
  3. Free time availability among Irish females like other women around the world.


Plans for the next year

  1. There is a strong urge to travel in Ireland, but this is slightly higher amongst men (50%) and lower amongst women (45%).
  2. Education and finding or changing jobs also feature slightly less prominently amongst women, with plans to start one’s own business far below the global average. However, this reticence among women is also the case for Irish men versus the global average.


Important aspect of life

  1. When faced with a choice between three options; good health, time with family or success at work – good health in Ireland is seen as most important, with family/children also featuring prominently.  Amongst women, while health still ranks as number one aspect, it is of a priority (55% women versus 62% men).
  2. Ireland are one of the countries least likely to rate success at work as an important aspect of life.


Sinead Mooney, Managing Director of RED C Research, said:

We report on these results with the knowledge that around the globe gender-based crimes are tactics of war and conflict.  We hope this survey goes some small way to show the inequality that continues to exist not just in the shocking news headlines but in everyday elements of life.  Every individual, business and government must examine how their action or inaction contributes to the consistent divide in our society.”



Men are more favored in the workplace according to global perception

  • Only 39% of people globally believe that women have the same opportunities as men career-wise. This number has improved from 2021 when an even lower 37% of respondents globally answered positively.
  • In some countries, the way to equality feels longer than in others. In Chile, 62% of respondents perceive that women have fewer job opportunities than men, and generally in the Americas, 46% of people are feeling the same.
  • Leading the discontent is Europe, where over 52% of respondents think that women’s opportunities are limited. Italy (67%), Croatia (64%) and France (58%) feel the most disparity.
  • In Hong Kong, the situation is looking rosier, with over 61% thinking that women and men have the same job and career opportunities. But the country where equality seems to be winning is the Philippines, with only 12% of respondents feeling a disparity.


Mixed feelings around gender pay gap

  • When talking about salaries the perception shifts slightly, with almost half of the global population (44%) thinking that pay is equal between men and women. Probably not surprisingly, men and women don’t see eye to eye on the matter: 51% of men don’t think there’s a pay gap, versus 38% of women.
  • Again, Chile scores highly, with 50% of people declaring that women are taking home less than men. While in Europe only 25% of respondents seem to have the same perception – in contrast with the outcome from the previous question about career opportunities.
  • Only 1.9% of Finnish respondents believe that women’s salaries are lower, but overall the MENA region feels the most positive with 57% of people thinking that remuneration is the same for men and women.


Violence doesn’t seem to stop

  • At a global level, results about women experiencing physical or psychological violence are unfortunately slightly on the rise compared to the previous year, going from 16% in 2021 to 17%. Younger people especially (18 to 24) seem to be suffering more than other age groups with over 21% of people responding positively.
  • When analyzing data by region, some improvements can be found in MENA, APAC, and Europe, where the net index of women experiencing violence in the past year decreased by -5, -2 and -2 respectively. However, in Africa violence is on the rise going from 20% in 2021 to a worrying 27%.
  • Looking at each country, it’s worth noticing Vietnam with only 2% of people reporting to have suffered from violence. Positive numbers also come from South Korea and the Philippines with 3% and 5% declaring to have suffered from violence.


Vilma Scarpino, President of WIN International Association, said:

“Numbers worldwide are still too high when it comes to gender inequality and acts of violence. At WIN our mission is to shed light on pressuring issues such as these in the hope that one day we’ll see radical improvements in the findings of our global survey. While the situation is far from perfect, it’s also important to appreciate the small but important progress that some countries or regions made. No step is too short or change too small when facing issues so big.”


Media enquiries:


Sinead Mooney, Managing Director, RED C Research

Derek Bell, Associate Director, RED C Research


[email protected]


Elena Crosilla, WIN Coordinator

+39 335.62.07.347

E-mail: [email protected]



The survey was conducted in 36 countries using CAWI / CATI / F2F/ TAPI /online survey methods.

Sample Size and Mode of Field Work:

A total of 29,739 people were interviewed. See below for sample details. The fieldwork was conducted during October 9th and December 10th, 2022. The margin of error for the survey is between 4.4 and 2.5 at 95% confidence level.

The global average has been computed according to the covered adult population of the surveyed countries.

About WIN:

The Worldwide Independent Network of Market Research (WIN) is a global network conducting market research and opinion polls in every continent.

Our assets

  • Thought leadership: access to a group of the most prominent experts and business entrepreneurs in Market Research, Polling and Consultancy
  • Flexibility: tailor-made global and local solutions to meet clients’ needs
  • Innovation: access to the latest strategic consultancy, tool development and branded solutions
  • Local experts: access to a network of experts that truly understand the local culture, market and business needs.
  • Trust: highest quality of talented members in all countries covered

 In the years, WIN has demonstrated wide competences and ability to conduct multi-country surveys following the highest standards requested by the market. The accumulated expertise of the Association is formidable: among others, researched themes are gender equality and young people, communication and media research, and brand studies.

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WIN World Survey – Gender Equality – March 2023
